Newark Cuts Toilet Paper from City Budget

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© GYRO PHOTOGRAPHY/amanaimages/Corbis

Money’s tight in Newark. How tight? In a latest budget-cutting effort, city offices will no longer get toilet paper.

During a press conference on Wednesday, mayor Cory Booker said, “Every single contract that does not go to the core function of our city in providing safe streets, providing fire protection, or other things to keep our city afloat will now be cut.” You guessed it — toilet paper does not help keep Newark afloat. So it’s gone.

Why such harsh budget cuts? Booker had wanted to create a city Municipal Utilities Authority to help manage the budget, but the city council deferred a vote on it. The city could have issued bonds on the authority to get cash flow. But now that there’s no cash flow, the basics have to get cut.

Other budget cuts include cutting the work week to four days for non-uniformed workers, closing city pools and canceling holiday decorations. The cuts will begin in August and save the city up to $15 million. Until then, city workers ought to stockpile their Christmas lights — and Charmin.