Rand Paul’s Wild Student Days

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REUTERS/Jake Stevens

Rand Paul, the Kentucky GOP Senate candidate, could well be the right-wing newsmaker of this year’s election season.

You’ve gotta give him credit: somehow the things he says as well as his antics manage to keep him in the press lots more than most candidates with the possible exception of Nevada’s Sharron Angle.

Well, GQ is reporting an incident involving a fellow student at Baylor University, whom Paul and a fellow classmate allegedly tied up, took to their aparment, tried to make her take bong hits, then took to a lake near Waco, Tex., and tried to force her to worship a god they called “Aqua Buddha.”

According to writer Jason Zengerle, it was just one of several eccentricities Paul was involved in as part of a liberal secret society called the NoZe Brotherhood, which pranked and satirized the Baylor administration which had educated the children of prominent conservative politicians for years.

For his part, Rand Paul has denied the whole story — and threatened to sue GQ for publishing it.