North Korea Gets Facebook; South Korea Investigates

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The latest in the secretive nation’s efforts to join social networking sites, North Korea is now on Facebook!

After recently setting up Twitter and YouTube accounts, North Korea has apparently moved onto the friendliest network. According to the Associated Press:

The account opened late Thursday under the Korean username “uriminzokkiri,” meaning “on our own as a nation,” an official at South Korea’s Communications Standards Commission said Friday.

Reportedly, the content of the page is meant to praise and honor North Korea, as well as condemn and ridicule South Korea and the U.S. Officials in South Korea are currently investigating the page to determine if it’s actually run by the government. If they do determine that the North Korean government is behind the page, South Koreans will be blocked from viewing the page (as they are currently blocked from North Korea’s Twitter page).

And seeing as how North Korea severely restricts its citizens Internet access, North Koreans aren’t even able to friend their country.

So the page that is meant to honor North Korea and condemn South Korea, likely won’t even be seen by North or South Koreans.

Which probably explains why the account only has 65 friends. (via the Associated Press)