Facebook For Old Farts: Americans 50 and Over Double Social Media Presence

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Mom just posted a message on your facebook status. Get used to it.

The social media revolution has been fueled by the Millennial (born roughly between 1980- present) and X (born roughly between 1964-1979) Generations, but the Baby Boomers (born between roughly 1946 – 1964) and the Silent Generation (born between roughly 1925 – 1945) are catching on.

For the same Americans who may have once watched television on a wooden box, social networking has “nearly doubled—from 22% in April 2009 to 42% in May 2010,” according to a report released on August 27 by the Pew Research Center, entitled Older Adults and Social Media.

Among the more telling statistics is this one: “one in five (20%) online adults ages 50-64 say they use social networking sites on a typical day.”

Further proof it may be time to take down some of those pictures.