Survey: The French Have Bad Sex Lives, Too

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The nation behind the French kiss and the language of love has lost its libido. 

France’s respected Institute of Public Opinion surveyed 1,000 adults and found that 76% of them suffer relationship problems that stem from a bad sex life. Half of those also polled said they had “no desire” to do the nasty. Perhaps it’s all that stinky cheese?

Hoping to avoid a roll in the sheets, more than one in three women admitted to using excuses such as headaches, tiredness or the proximity of children (suggesting that the transatlantic divide isn’t as vast as many Americans think). One in six men reported similar excuses.

The results will almost certainly deal a blow to the proud Frenchman who defines himself as a lover par excellence. According to a study published in February, 40% of French men believe they’re Europe’s best lovers. An even greater percentage say that they are the most intelligent and the funniest men on the continent.

Speaking to the BBC, one French pig male placed the blame for any reduced sex drive squarely on his female counterparts. “We are great in bed, but only when it’s worth it, and most French women do not look like Carla Bruni.”