Make It A Perfect Christmas: The 10 Best Toys of the Year

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Looking for just that perfect toy to wow that little boy or girl? NewsFeed’s got you covered.

Allie Townsend has arrived at a final roundup of the ten best toys of 2010. The list might surprise you.

A couple of our favorites: The talking and singing Sing-a-ma-jigs. Each one produces sound at a different pitch, meaning that if you bundle several of them together, you have your own mini Sing-a-ma-jig chorus.

(More at NewsFeed: The 10 amazing things you never knew about doughnuts)

Or check these amazing Lego board games, which combine the intricacy of Lego construction with the basic fun of a dice-based board game. Fun. Times.

See the full list of the top ten toys right here, and then get moving people! You only have about six hours of mall time left before dusk! (via TIME)