Runaway Rubbers: Malaysia On the Hunt for 700,000 Missing Condoms

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(Getty Images / Chris Hondros)

First they crack down on Valentine’s Day, and then condoms vanish. Where’s the love in Malaysia?

Somewhere en route to Tokyo from Malaysia, 700,000 ultrathin condoms disappeared. The condom maker, Sagami Rubber Industries, says that the crate containing the shipment was virtually empty.

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The case containing the prophylactics has been apparently emptied and replaced with locks. Goods being shipped from Malaysia apparently often go missing, and are often inside jobs. The shipment, valued at $1.5 million, is being investigated by the Malaysian police, who, assuredly, are taking the matter “very seriously.”

(More on NewsFeed: Read about a Harry Potter twist to safe sex.)

But with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, they ought to really consider if they want their condoms back. (via AFP)