To Celebrate January 25 Revolution, Egyptian Man Names Daughter ‘Facebook’

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Will his future spawn go by “Twitter” and “Google”?

Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram reports that a man in his early twenties has named his firstborn child Facebook Jamal Ibrahim. The paper says he wanted to honor the social networking site for its role in raising awareness about escalating discontent in the country, and for distributing logistical information about pro-democracy, anti-government demonstrations in the lead-up to Mubarak’s resignation.

(More on Read how Facebook helped bring down Mubarak in Egypt)

Facebook currently has five million users in Egypt—more than any other country in the Middle East or North Africa. A number of those users are clearly thrilled by little Facebook’s arrival. According to the newspaper, “The girl’s family, friends, and neighbors in the Ibrahimya region gathered around the new-born to express their continuing support for the revolution that started on Facebook. “Facebook” received many gifts from the youth who were overjoyed by her arrival and the new name.” Looks like her friend count is already climbing. (via TechCrunch)

(More on See pictures of Mubarak, the man who stayed too long)