Overloaded on These Two? Choose Kittens Instead

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Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Shouldn’t fluffy kittens really be the answer to everything? Especially to Royal Wedding overload?

A British website—www.weddinglbock.co.uk—certainly agrees and will attempt to drown away all things Royal Wedding on your internet browser, which would likely include this NewsFeed post, and replace it with nothing more than pictures of fluffy kittens.

(More on Time.com: Can’t get enough Royal Wedding?)

By installing this software, the program looks for either “Royal Wedding” or “Middleton” in the page title and will attempt to intercept that page quickly. Instead of sending you along to a website page that may contain more information on the Royal Wedding than you can possibly handle, it will produce pictures of kittens. Lots of kittens, in fact.

The site’s creator started blocking the Daily Mail with pictures of kittens and tea (stress-free items, apparently), but decided to expand “because I don’t know the happy couple, won’t be attending and don’t really want to read any more about the whole thing.”

(More on Time.com: Do Brits really care?)