Happy End of the World Day, Everyone!

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Today marks the end of the world! Again! No, no—for real this time.

After his first prediction’s very public failure, 90-year-old Harold Camping is pretty confident the rapture is actually happening today.

Camping, leader of the Oakland-based Family Radio International, caused quite a ruckus earlier this year, loudly proclaiming the rapture would claim 200 million lives on May 21, sending the world hurtling toward its inevitable doom. Of course, May 21 came and went, and the 90-year-old’s prediction crashed and burned (and not in the way he thought it would).

(READ: Another Apocalypse Prophecy: Why’s Everyone So Worked Up?)

Camping said he was “flabbergasted” after the non-apocalypse, and admitted that he may have made a few miscalculations. He explained that what occurred on May 21 was a “spiritual rapture,” but not the end of the physical world. He’s not giving up on that theory, though. In a podcast posted on the Family Radio International website earlier this month, Camping said that Oct. 21 “looks like it will be, at this point, it will be the final end of everything.”

He’s been toning down the dramatics this time around, saying that after having “restudied” the “matters,” he’s decided that there will be no big spectacle. “The end is going to come very, very quietly,” Camping said.

MORE: 1000 (or So) Things to Do Before the End of the World

Aylin Zafar is a contributor to TIME. Find her on Twitter at @azafar. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.