Reading While Eating for February 2: Digital Distractions

Thursday's links talk outdated keyboards and mortifying Facebook memories.

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Rick Wilking / Reuters

Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) hugs his wife Carol after presenting her with a bouquet of flowers for their 55th wedding anniversary after a campaign event in Las Vegas

Money Matters: Mitt Romney recently said he isn’t concerned with the very rich or the very poor. So does he care about you? Let’s run the numbers. (GOOD)

Goodbye, Caps Lock: The computer keyboard (yes, the one you’re using right now) is in desperate need of a makeover. (Slate)

Digital History: One writer delves through her entire Facebook Timeline — and uncovers quite a few embarrassing moments from her past. (TIME)

Phil’s Competition: Think a groundhog’s shadow is an odd way to predict the weather? Try squirrels’ tails and onion skins. (Flavorwire)

Sniff Sniff: Need a good cry? Here are some black-and-white photos of homeless or abandoned dogs living in shelters. (The Daily What)

Viral Video: Consider this a musical for the digital age. (Jezebel)
