Did the Puppy Bowl Crown the Wrong ‘Most Valuable Puppy’?

Some fans say Aberdeen, the shepherd mix, truly deserved the spot.

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On Sunday, sports fans witnessed one of the greatest annual gaming events that the universe has to offer: The Puppy Bowl. It is a whole world of adorableness put on by the wise people who run Animal Planet, who know that there is no such thing as too much cute. From the playful pooches in the game to the hamsters in the sky box and the piglet cheerleaders, there is nothing not to love about the Puppy Bowl. Until now.

Over at SBNation, one pot-stirrer is fanning the flames of scandal: Was Aberdeen the shepherd mix robbed of the MVP honor? As fans know, Aberdeen played his heart out, scoring four touchdowns in quick succession in the third quarter, making him the obvious choice for the game’s Most Valuable Player. His waggily tail and bright eyes put him in the running for fan favorite, too. Yet at the end of the game, Aberdeen didn’t take the laurels. Fumble did. Who? That’s exactly what fans want to know. Fumble, a scamp of a chihuahua mix only scored two touchdowns in the match, both during the first two quarters. While he made some great defensive moves, his actions on the field were far from the memorable contributions of Aberdeen.

So far, color commentator Meep the Bird has remained quiet on Twitter about this latest Puppy Bowl gossip.

PHOTOS: The Puppy Bowl’s Starting Lineup

On Sunday, sports fans witnessed one of the greatest annual gaming events that the universe has to offer: The Puppy Bowl. It is a whole world of adorableness put on by the wise people who run Animal Planet, who know that there is no such thing as too much cute. From the playful pooches in the game to the hamsters in the sky box and the piglet cheerleaders, there is nothing not to love about the Puppy Bowl. Until now.

Over at SBNation, one pot-stirrer is fanning the flames of scandal: Was Aberdeen the shepherd mix robbed of the MVP honor? As fans know, Aberdeen played his heart out, scoring four touchdowns in quick succession in the third quarter, making him the obvious choice for the game’s Most Valuable Player. His waggily tail and bright eyes put him in the running for fan favorite, too. Yet at the end of the game, Aberdeen didn’t take the laurels. Fumble did. Who? That’s exactly what fans want to know. Fumble, a scamp of a chihuahua mix only scored two touchdowns in the match, both during the first two quarters. While he made some great defensive moves, his actions on the field were far from the memorable contributions of Aberdeen.

So far, color commentator Meep the Bird has remained quiet on Twitter about this latest Puppy Bowl gossip.

PHOTOS: The Puppy Bowl’s Starting Lineup