Reading While Eating for July 18: Spoofs and Snuggies

Today's links feature a spoof of Romney, a spoof of Snuggies, and an Alaskan cat mayor that sounds like a spoof—but isn't.

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REUTERS/Stringer China

A man poses for a photograph near a 3D painting at the 2012 Magic Art Special Exhibition in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, July 16, 2012. The event will run till August 6 in Hangzhou.

The cat mayor of Alaska: After 15 years, there hasn’t been a single catastrophe under his watch. (

Otter this world: An otter attacked a triathlete. (Newser)

Squeaky clean: Brush up on your knowledge of archaic tooth-cleaning devices. (Mental_Floss)

A picture’s worth… Here are some  of the best Wikipedia photo caption fails. (BuzzFeed)

Doubletake: Mitt Romney has a double, and he is a drywall finisher in Los Angeles, the LA Times reports. (Pat’s Papers)

Sing-along… to the top 10 political songs.  (Flavorwire)

Bainful to watch:  Political junkies will appreciate “You’re So Bain,” a parody of Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain.” (Daily Kos)

Even more terrifying: This video of people in Snuggies covering Beyoncé’s “Countdown” makes us want to hide in our own Snuggies. (The Daily What)

Candy Land: a rodent with a sweet tooth. (YouTube)
