Reading While Eating for Oct. 2: Let the Music Play

Adele sings James Bond, Godspeed You! Black Emperor returns, and cat videos are good for you.

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Shaam News Network/Handout/Reuters

A member of the Free Syrian Army poses in the old city of Homs September 28, 2012. Picture taken September 28, 2012.

Rumor Has It: Validating several weeks of speculation, it turns out British singer and album-sales force of nature Adele did indeed do the theme song to the new James Bond movie, Skyfall. And here it is! (Mashable)

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false&auto_play=false&color=1875ab” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Important Study of the Day: New research says that watching cute kitten videos may actually improve workplace productivity. NewsFeed approves. (

The’re Back: Godspeed You! Black Emperor have announced their first album in 10 years. College radio station DJs, get psyched. (Spinner)

Genius! The recipients of the MacArthur Foundation’s 2012 “Genius” fellows have been announced, and they include Washington Post reporter David Finkel, novelist Junot Díaz and Chris Thile, the mandolin player from the Punch Brothers. We’re guessing ours got lost in the mail. (MacArthur Foundation)

The Most Popular Phrases of the 1990s. Seriously? All that, phat and a bag of chips. (BuzzFeed)

Famous Literary Characters in Real Life: Everybody knows Alice of Alice in Wonderland was based on a real person. But here’s a few others you probably didn’t. (Flavorwire)

How Much Am I Bid for Manhattan? As every U.S. schoolkid learns, the Dutch bought the future home of Sex and the City for $24 from the Native Americans. Well, the truth is more complicated than that. (Mental Floss)

‘Gangnam Style’ Dancing GIF of the Day: Thank you, Cincinnati Bengals defensive tackle Domata Peko. (The Daily

Why. Won’t. You. Just. Die! Yes, this video has been around for a while, but come on it’s hilarious. This dude is probably still out there somewhere, not dead yet.  (Viral Viral Videos)