Reading While Eating for October 11: Veep Edition

VP Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan will face off tonight in the vice presidential debate, starting at 9pm ET. Get a head start on your watching now, though.

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Rick Wilking / Reuters

Students take the place of the candidates and the moderator during a dress rehearsal for the vice-presidential debate in Danville, Kentucky, October 10, 2012. The debate takes place October 11.

Hey Girl… : Photos of Paul Ryan working out are totally the meme of the day. (TIME)

Bottoms Up: Take a drink tonight if Biden slips up and calls Obama “Barack America.” A vice presidential drinking game for your enjoyment. (BuzzFeed)

Hit the Books: The VP candidates are going to talk about domestic and foreign policy. Maybe you can read up on the issues at one of these bizarre-looking libraries. (Flavorwire)

Knowledge is Good: A brief history of American presidential debates. (mental_floss)

Singing to an Empty Room: Maybe Jim Lehrer should have tried carrying a tune at last week’s debate. At least that’s what he does in this Bad Lip Reading of the first presidential debate. (The Daily What)
