WATCH: Israeli Embassy’s Strange Video Trailer for Obama’s Visit

Obama and Netanyahu and the 'Golden Girls' theme song, oh my!

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In the walk-up to President Obama’s trip to Israel this week, the Embassy of Israel to the United States in Washington D.C. released a kitschy YouTube video touting the friendship between Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu — to the tune of the Golden Girls theme songThe Jewish Daily Forward reports.

But if the “friendship” between Netanyahu and Obama is anything like the friendship between the show’s four senior women (Betty White, Bea Arthur, Estelle Getty and Rue McClanahan) who live in a retirement community together in Florida, then the two statesmen will be spending their negotiations eating cheesecake in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

MORE: Obama in Israel: Running to Stay Put

The Golden Girls tie in aside, there’s plenty of other oddness going on here. Obama and Netanyahu are portrayed by bobblehead-like animations à la some sort of Jib-Jab political satire video. In November 2012, the Embassy produced a video featuring bobblehead Obama alongside former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in another cartoonish video called “A Dinner For Peace,” which urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to “directly negotiate peace with Israel.”

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In the walk-up to President Obama’s trip to Israel this week, the Embassy of Israel to the United States in Washington D.C. released a kitschy YouTube video touting the friendship between Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu — to the tune of the Golden Girls theme songThe Jewish Daily Forward reports.

But if the “friendship” between Netanyahu and Obama is anything like the friendship between the show’s four senior women (Betty White, Bea Arthur, Estelle Getty and Rue McClanahan) who live in a retirement community together in Florida, then the two statesmen will be spending their negotiations eating cheesecake in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

MORE: Obama in Israel: Running to Stay Put

The Golden Girls tie in aside, there’s plenty of other oddness going on here. Obama and Netanyahu are portrayed by bobblehead-like animations à la some sort of Jib-Jab political satire video. In November 2012, the Embassy produced a video featuring bobblehead Obama alongside former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in another cartoonish video called “A Dinner For Peace,” which urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to “directly negotiate peace with Israel.”

MORE: The Secret of the Wonder Weapon That Israel Will Show Off to Obama