Reading While Eating for June 20: Vices or Virtues?

During today's lunch break, go ahead and indulge in these links that pay tribute to your vices

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Reuters / Michael Sohn

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Barack Obama raise their glasses at the Chralottenburg Castle in Berlin on June 19, 2013.

If Enough People Say So, It Must Be True. Here are fifteen important people who will justify your coffee addiction. Now here’s something Napoleon Bonaparte, Ronald Reagan, and T.S. Eliot would all lift their mugs to. (Flavorwire)

Live Free Or Die. While the edibles on this list — including ingredients found in gum, sports drinks, even bread — are banned in other countries, everything is fair game in the Land of the Free. (Buzzfeed)

Different Strokes For Different Folks. In Norway, the national vice seems to be watching the most boring TV imaginable. The public television station recently debuted an 18-hour show observing salmon swimming upstream, following on the heels of a 12-hour broadcast of a crackling fireplace that drew millions. (

Ghoulish Glee. Quench your morbid curiosities with this list of bizarre deaths, from historic luminaries who died of a nosebleed, were crushed by a coat-rack, or drowned in a barrel of wine. (Mental Floss)

Twitter Roulette. This rabid fan threatened to kill his sister if the rapper J. Cole did not retweet him. Thankfully, Cole acquiesced, and he was very reluctantly given his moment in the spotlight. (The Daily What)

Ignorance Is Bliss. Starbucks is preparing to roll out calorie count postings for all of its products that we love so dearly. You’ll never look at a White Hot Chocolate the same way. (Slate)