What Does The Fox Say? Shirtless Abercrombie Models Need to Know

Say hello to their perfect, chiseled abs

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In just three weeks, Norweigian comedy duo Ylvis’ perplexing The Fox music video has accumulated a whopping 54 million views on YouTube.

In an attempt to piggyback on the cultural zeitgeist, now brands are making their own spoofs of the bizarrely viral video. Enter the desperate-for-good-press Abercrombie & Fitch. Between backlash against its refusal to make plus-sized clothes (because Abercrombie caters solely to the “cool kids”) and its tanking stock price, the retailer has been knee-deep in negative coverage. So why not try to be hip and relevant with a fun music video starring girls in button ups and boys in …  well … no shirts at all?

The gimmick seems to be working, as the video has more than 650k views in 5 days. (The many shots of guys with perfect abs probably helped do the trick.)

This marketing move isn’t the first time Abercrombie made a viral video spoof. In 2012, the retailer was one of many brands that made a “Call Me Maybe” parody, racking up more than 20.6 million views. And considering how many advertisers jumped on the “Harlem Shake” trend, this is probably the first of many The Fox reboots.

MORE: ‘What Does the Fox Say’ Video Attempts to Decode the Sound of a Fox

MORE: Ohio U. Covers Norwegian Hit “The Fox”