Adorable Baby Polar Bear Bewildered at His First Romp In the Snow

And watch other cute firsts that will make your head explode

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A tiny baby polar bear at the Toronto Zoo reminds us of the wonder of experiencing snow for the first time ever.

The polar bear has been staying at the zoo’s Wildlife Health Centre, but when his keepers recently introduced him to his native environment, he seemed to be afraid of the cold, even giving a tiny shiver. 

But the little cub should be comforted by the fact that polar vortexes are apparently now a basic fact of life, and he’ll be better prepared than any of us to handle them.

Speaking of firsts, you can also watch the little guy get fed when he was first born:


And take his first bath:


A tiny baby polar bear at the Toronto Zoo reminds us of the wonder of experiencing snow for the first time ever.

The polar bear has been staying at the zoo’s Wildlife Health Centre, but when his keepers recently introduced him to his native environment, he seemed to be afraid of the cold, even giving a tiny shiver. 

But the little cub should be comforted by the fact that polar vortexes are apparently now a basic fact of life, and he’ll be better prepared than any of us to handle them.

Speaking of firsts, you can also watch the little guy get fed when he was first born:


And take his first bath:
