Can You Spare $30,000? Hire Bristol Palin!

Like mother, like daughter. Joining the Palin family speaking team, Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, just snagged a lucrative gig speaking on teen pregnancy. The AP reports that Bristol has signed up with Single Source Speakers, who will dole out $15,000 to $30,000 per speech – quite helpful for raising a baby boy on your own. After getting pregnant right before her mother was tapped to be John McCain’s running mate in 2008, Palin has relentlessly projected herself as a pro-life advocate, so that others will “think about the consequences.” (Check out Sarah Palin’s week in colorful quotes) The 19-year-old will be speaking at women’s youth, pro-life and antiabortion events nationwide. Oh and don’t forget, she’s also set to appear on a pregnancy-themed episode of ABC Family’s “Secret Life of the American Teenager” this summer.