They couldn’t get Ron Paul elected, but the Internet can get you a better sandwich. You’re welcome, world.
After a nerd outcry (yes, there was even a T-shirt) about how Subway places the triangular slices of cheese on its sandwiches (corner to corner, rather than tessellated for maximum coverage), what’s purported to be a memo in the official company newsletter from Australia suggests the company’s “Sandwich Artists” are going to adhere to a more enlightened and aesthetically pleasing cheese policy come July 1.
“With this new policy, triangles or half moons of cheese will be placed on the sandwich in an offset, or staggered pattern,” the document reads. “This will improve the cheese coverage on the sandwich.”
One caveat: the company has been mum about whether the leaked newsletter is official. Lovers of all things logic (and all things cheese) will have to wait until July 1 to see if their sandwiches change. (via The Consumerist)