Does personal finance mix with social media?
Banks may not be the first follower that comes to mind, but more are turning to Twitter to fortify their brand. The Chicago Tribune hones in on why Twitter and other Internet intermediaries are just now catching the eye of financial institutions.
One possible reason for the delay? The impending customer service shakeup. Complaints kept within the confines of a bank branch, phone line, or e-mail chain preserve some sense of confidentiality. But in May 2009, USA Today pointed out that sites like Twitter present a whole new pickle — public interactions that can be borderline inappropriate.
Several large banks have already looked past that potential problem. Bank of America has been on Twitter since January 2009, employing a team of six reps that is available 12 hours Monday-Friday and four hours on Saturdays to answer customers’ questions.
The account had its share of tweets on Saturday, ranging from “I work for Bank of America. Have you called to check the status of your card? Anything I can do to help?” to “We are happy that we were able to be of assistance.”
Would you choose Twitter over the line at your local bank branch?