Worst Parents Ever: Behold Bong Baby

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There's a good chance this baby is named Aiden. Bernd Vogel/Corbis

There was a time when odd instances of child care could be shielded from the masses.

Lately, the Internet has lent itself to a host of situations worthy of the “who’s the adult?” button. Example: Fox News Dallas-Fort Worth reports that a Texas couple has been charged with endangering their 13-month old son, after allowing the baby to play with a marijuana filled-bong.

The Lone Star State shrug comes about a month after an Indonesian family’s son went viral on the web for his smoking habit. Two-year-old Ardi Rizal reportedly lit 40 cigarettes a day. The stir strengthened when his father, Mohammad told the London Daily Mail that his child started smoking at 18 months.

Both cases lead to a greater question, which won’t be answered for decades. What will the children think when they log online and learn that their diaper-dandy exposure to carcinogens made search engines and airwaves across the world?