The man who once advocated abolishing America’s public schools, opened a school of his own today.
It’s the job of a political pundit to fill the heads of the American public with their viewpoints, but Glenn Beck takes that notion quite literally with his new online school, Beck University. The Fox News commentator, who took one class at Yale before dropping out, claimed on his radio show in June that the government uses school to indoctrinate people. “You’re darn right we should abolish public schools,” he said.
The academic program, which Beck says is a “unique academic experience bringing together experts in the fields of religion, American history and economics,” will feature Faith 101, Hope 101 and Charity 101, taught by a handful of conservative commentators.
What’s that? You’ve never heard of courses called Faith, Hope or Charity? Turns out, they are cleverly-named versions of courses you know well — with a Beck twist. Faith 101 is basically Beck’s version of American history. The course will be taught by David Barton, the Texas historian who is famous for his argument that the founding fathers renounced the separation of church and state. Beck calls him “the library of Congress in shoes” and says it is “almost overwhelming what you’ll learn from [him].” Hope 101, Beck says, is the truth about economics Americans are not being told. “What is really happening in America, what it all means and how we can possibly solve it,” he says. And, finally, Charity 101 is a course taught by a Constitution expert that will make the connection between the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and why the U.S. the most charitable nation in the world.
Classes start July 7 and are available to anyone who signs up for Beck’s “Insider Extreme” for $74.95 per year, or $6.26 a month.