Be careful, Atlanta. You too, Detroit.
GOOD Magazine has complied a list of the most dangerous cities for pedestrians, naming 21 urban spots around the globe with the highest fatalities rates for walkers. Topping off the list are Atlanta, Detroit and Los Angeles with 10.97, 10.31 and 7.64 deaths per 100,000 pedestrians. Continuing with its hazardous image, the U.S. manages to take up the first ten slots on the list, with 13 cities named in all. (New York City and Portland were named the “safest” of the U.S.’s dead man walking zones.) Perhaps the most surprising was not Asian cities like Hong Kong and Tokyo’s appearance on the list, but their residence at numbers 18 and 19. It’s difficult to imagine that the bursting streets of Tokyo, with a population of more than 13 million, are safer for pedestrians than Detroit, which has a population less than 100,000.
(More on NewsFeed: Canada Combats Speeding With 3D Optical Illusion Of Child In The Street)
Pedestrian Fatalities per 100,000 residents
1. Atlanta 10.97
2. Detroit 10.31
3. Los Angeles 7.64
4. Baltimore 7.54
5. Philadelphia 6.22
6. Chicago 5.89
7. Washington D.C. 5.74
8. Milwaukee 5.68
9. San Francisco 4.33
10. Boston 4.24
11. Seattle 4.12
12. Copenhagen 3.92
13. New York City 3.49
14. Portland 3.39
15. Amsterdam 3.36
16. Paris 3.09
17. London
18. Hong Kong 2.1
19. Tokyo 1.7
20. Berlin 1.6
21. Stockholm 1.23