Wannabe Astronauts Pretend Utah is Mars

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In Hankesville, Utah, People Already Live On the Red Planet

In Hankesville, Utah, People Already Live On the Red Planet

Is Utah the new Mars?  For Martian lovers who don’t want to wait for NASA to schedule its first Martian envoy, it just might be.

Now the Mars Society,  a nonprofit whose main goal is to send humans to Mars, is sponsoring six astronauts in training to live as if they were the first human outpost on the red planet based in Utah, reports Wired.  Not only will they gear up in spacesuits, eat dehydrated food, but they’ll also be living in a small cylindrical building and have to conserve water for showers and the toilet.

(More on TIME.com: See pictures of five years roving Mars.)

And if Utah’s barren deserts don’t appeal to you, there’s always the Canadian Arctic where the Mars Society owns another Analog Research Station.