Rescued Chilean miner Edison Pena’s talents seem to know no boundaries. Ahead of the New York Marathon he plans to run in on Sunday, he stopped by the Late Show with David Letterman on Thursday night giving more than just an interview by showing off his vocal talents.
After telling Letterman how he preferred to sing on his own rather than in a group when trapped underground, he suddenly belted out Elvis Presley’s “Suspicious Minds”: “I can’t walk out. I love you too much baby”. As Pena jumped up out of his chair, Letterman’s band picked up on the keyboard. He continued, “We can’t go on together with suspicious minds.” Pena shook his hips, mimed a mic and ended the ballad perfectly in tune. His translator’s presence suddenly seemed irrelevant as the miner turned showman received cheers from Letterman’s live audience. (Read Chilean Miners: The Video Game)
Not bad for a steel toed wearing miner who spent 69 days 74 meters below ground, the location where he trained for the marathon, reports the New York Daily News. Pena has only run 10 miles at once in his life and he doesn’t even own a pair of sneakers. But something tells NewsFeed, 26 miles may seem like a piece of cake after getting trapped in a mine. (See The Rescued Chilean Miners: Who are They?)