New York’s Official Language: Kanye West’s Tweets

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When Kanye West tweets, it can sometimes seem like a foreign language. But what if people only spoke Kanye?

Mondock Entertainment took that theory and put it into practice. The clip shows what would happen if New York City started speaking in Kanye West’s tweets.

(See 14 Kanye tweets at their finest.)

The result? A world that doesn’t seem that different from the Internet. With the advent of the tweet and the Facebook status update, we tend to dwell in minute, personal details that we wouldn’t care to chat about in person. So when we hear a man gab on his phone that “fur pillows are actually hard to sleep on,” we don’t bat an eye.

NewsFeed is a devoted follower of Kanye West’s tweets. But if we could really pick a Tweet-only language, we’d go with Amanda Bynes’ feed. (via Gothamist)