REUTERS/Luke MacGregor
More developments surrounding Julian Assange and the classified documents he WikiLeak-ed erupted over the weekend. But don’t worry. Here, NewsFeed recaps everything you need to know before you head to the office.
Assange Says Obama ‘Must Resign’
Forget Hillary. Assange is now going after the man on top. In an interview on Sunday, the WikiLeaks founder said U.S. President Barack Obama should resign if it can be shown that he approved spying by the country’s diplomatic figures on UN officials.
“The order is so serious it may well have been put to the President for approval,” Assange told Spanish daily El Pais in an online chat published online. “Obama must answer what he knew about this illegal order and when.” (via AFP)
(See TIME’s exclusive interview with Assange.)
WikiLeaks Was Down, But It’s Up Again
WikiLeaks’ days seemed to be numbered when news broke that PayPal pulled the plug on the site’s donation account, in a move similar to that of Amazon and the controversial site’s U.S. domain name provider.
Maybe so, but not until hundreds of mirror sites holding copies of WikiLeaks’ contents are taken down. Also not if Anonymous, a collective of pro-WikiLeaks hackers and activists, has anything to do with it. (via New York Times)
Assange Gets TMZ’d on SNL
There may not be a lot of footage showing how Assange behaves in real life (just a lot of photos featuring his unruly silver locks). But that didn’t stop SNL from portraying the Australian as the next Harvey Levin in a skit over the weekend.
(Check out NewsFeed’s post on the TMZ-style parody.)
No Australia for Assange
Australia has abandoned Assange, or at least he seems to think so when he answered questions online for the Guardian last Friday. “I am an Australian citizen and I miss my country a great deal,” he wrote.
(Read NewsFeed’s take on Assange’s lack of love from kangaroo land here.)