By day, he’s handing out cash and prizes on Wheel of Fortune. By night — or perhaps while bored — Pat Sajak is firing off wisecracks on Twitter.
NewsFeed found @PatSajak a few weeks back (“Tweeting from stage during taping. Don’t tell anyone. People think I’m paying attention. Gotta go. Someone just bought a vowel”) proved a good introduction), but like the rest of the Web, we wondered if it was a send-up. Would the seemingly buttoned-down game show host really put out this, for example: “Just read my nephew to sleep with his favorite book. But shouldn’t a 31-year-old be able to read ‘Mein Kampf’ by himself?”
(See the top 10 game show moments.)
Sajak kept insisting that Twitter’s method of “verifying” celebrity identity was merely down. But, perhaps fed up with the questions, Sajak provided proof positive this evening in the form of a video, which you can watch above. The Seinfeld reference is priceless, but we’re particularly excited for the potential for a Web rivalry with Jeopardy-host Alex Trebek. F_ _ h t! F _ _ h t! F _ _ h t!
(See the 15 best game show hosts in history.)
Quirky though Sajak’s Twitter feed is, other aspects of the man’s Web presence are even arguably more bizarre. For example, the Pat’s Puzzle section of his website, where visitors can complete one of eight nine puzzles of Pat’s face. (NewsFeed completed “Pensive Pat” on easy in 1:01 — beat our score!)
Though you’ve been here for more than a month, mark this as our official welcome to the Web, Pat. We haven’t been this excited about a Twitter feed since Kanye.