Piers Morgan to Condi Rice: ‘Do You Dream of a Fairytale Wedding?’

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Robert Schlager/epa/Corbis

Dr. Rice also fielded questions like “are you romantic?” and “If you were cooking me a meal, what would you cook?”

Last year, we asked readers to submit questions for Dr. Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state, Bush ally, Russia expert and, now, professor. You, dear readers, wanted to know what she thought about the Israeli-Palestine conflict, the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and the Tea Party.

(Watch Condoleezza Rice’s recent interview with TIME.)

Not Piers Morgan.

No, Piers wanted to talk about Rice’s marital status, her (imagined) wedding fantasies, her cooking. He wanted to flirt. Here, a cringe-inducing sample:

[cnnvideo url=’http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2011/01/19/piers.condoleezza.rice.marriage.cnn’ inline=’true’]

Yes, he did ask about other things, including Iraq, Sarah Palin and Barack Obama. But, it’s pretty safe to assume, as Jezebel notes, that Colin Powell, or Christopher Warren, or Henry Kissinger would not have been asked about weddings and recipes.

We’re just saying.

(See photographs of Condoleezza Rice.)