If you can manage walking while chewing gum, why not add texting to the mix?
In an attempt to avoid any future texting-relating fountain falls, two lawmakers have attempted to ban — or at least curb — texting while walking.
(More on TIME.com: Watch a woman fall into a mall fountain while texting)
How could the ban work? If Arkansas State Sen. Jimmy Jeffress had his way, pedestrians would be prohibited from walking while wearing headphones in both ears. If New York State Sen. Paul Kruger gets his way, pedestrians would be banned from using iPods, cell phones and other devices while on public sidewalks.
Things don’t look good for either state senator. Jeffress dropped his crusade recently because of backlash, while Kruger has been trying since 2007 to enact the ban, to no avail.
Though NewsFeed sees the safety benefits of such a ban, we think it would be tough to enforce. Plus, who wants to actually enjoy their surroundings on a walk around town when they can just listen to a podcast while texting a friend? (via MSNBC)
(More on TIME.com: See the best viral videos of 2010)