Smartphone Sins: Catholic Bishop Approves iPhone Confession App

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Little iApps, LLC

First came the iPod, then the iPhone. Now there’s iPrayer.

A Catholic bishop has approved Confession: A Roman Catholic App, for use among churchgoers and lapsed Catholics alike. Patrick Leinen, of Little iApps, the company that created Confession, claims it has already helped one person come back to the church after 20 years away.

(More on See the 50 best iPhone apps of 2011)

Protected by a password, the app invites users to examine their consciences and confess to their sins. But it won’t replace the old-school booth. The app, which costs $1.99, just goes through the motions of confession, but churchgoers must see a priest for absolution.

The Vatican has made major steps to embrace the 21st century. Just last month, Pope Benedict XVI gave his blessing to social networking, declaring, “I would like then to invite Christians, confidently and with an informed and responsible creativity, to join the network of relationships which the digital era has made possible.” But will iPhone-toting Catholics access Confession as much as Angry Birds? (via Reuters)

(More on See Pope Benedict’s blessing of social networks)