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Companies are cutting costs everywhere they can these days — even by shrinking those tried-and-true cubicles.
The average office worker’s space shrunk from 90 square feet in 1994 to 75 square feet in 2010, according to the International Facility Management Association. One design firm said companies have downsized the cubicle from an 8-by-10-foot space to a 5-by-5-foot space.
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And it’s not just the underlings who are feeling the squeeze. Senior-level office workers saw their spaces shrink from 115 square feet in 1994 to 96 square feet in 2010. But executive-level workers actually saw their workspace grow, which explains where all the extra room went.
The recession isn’t the only reason office space is shrinking. Elbow room is becoming scarce due to an influx of “team-oriented” office environments at high-tech companies like Facebook. Plus, better technology has eliminated bulky computers that took up most of the old-school cubicle’s space. Plus, a more streamlined space lessons an office’s carbon footprint.
This all reminds NewsFeed of the comedy classic Office Space. Maybe Lumbergh was just ahead of his time when he moved Milton to the storage unit. (via CNN)
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