Woman Dies in Her Cubicle — But Nobody Notices Until the Next Day

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Photo by Harold M. Lambert/Lambert/Getty Images

Ever feel like no one notices all the effort you put into your job?

Well, hopefully they at least notice you’re alive and breathing. If not, you could find yourself in the same situation as Rebecca Wells, a 51-year-old woman who died in her cubicle Friday in Los Angeles County.

Though she died on Friday, she was unnoticed at her desk in the Department of Internal Services until Saturday. The county coroner is yet to determine the cause of death.

(More on TIME.com: See the best pictures of the week)

When she passed away,  Wells, who worked in risk management, was performing an audit. Despite not noticing the deceased, one of her coworkers remembered, “She was always working, always working.” Maybe, after this event, her coworkers will check on one another more often.

The tragedy reminds us of Mad Men, when a tireless worker passes away at her own desk:
