Pizza. Getty Images.
How do you go about showing your solidarity with protesters on the other side of the world? Making sure they are well fueled, of course.
Politico reports that local pizza joint, Ian’s on State Street, has been inundated with phone calls from all over the country and around the world — including one caller from been-there, done-that Cairo — who are all concerned with getting food to the union supporters who have gathered at the Capitol.
(More on Wisconsin Protests Continue)
The pizza parlor has been keeping a tally of the locations from which donations for pizza have been coming; so far, 38 states and 11 countries have ordered pizza for the protesters, which meant that on “Saturday alone, Ian’s gave away 1,057 free slices in their store and delivered more than 300 pizzas to the Capitol itself.”
Televised, sure, but it also looks like this revolution will be tasty. (via Politico)