Hey, all is fair in love and Facebook, right?
If you’re one of the three million Facebook users lamenting the loss of the Breakup Notifier, which was banished from the social site on Wednesday, don’t fret. A new Facebook app has hit the market, and it takes creepy stalking to a whole new level.
(More on NewsFeed: See why the Breakup Notifier was banned)
In all its glory, WaitingRoom not only notifies a user when his or her crush finally ditches that loser, but also allows someone to tactfully (and secretly) meddle in existing Facebook relationships without being labeled a home wrecker (that comes later).
It’s simple: You use the app to indicate the friends who you are interested in, which places you in his or her “WaitingRoom.” An e-mail is then sent to that person letting him or her know that someone is secretly hoping to see the demise of their relationship. The kicker is that the whole scheme is kept secret — so the fact that you’ve installed the WaitingRoom app doesn’t appear on your profile or in your friends’ news feeds – and the person you’re desperately waiting for will never know your identity until he or she changes their relationship status to single. After 48 hours on the open market, the person’s WaitingRoom is revealed, nevertheless drudging up feelings of disappointment and regret.
(More on NewsFeed: See more about the Breakup Notifier.)
While this seems like a particularly underhanded way to find a mate, it could be somewhat gratifying to know that you’re wanted. Actually, NewsFeed looks forward to seeing the gems who will appear in our WaitingRoom. Hope to see you there! (wink, wink) (via Mashable)