REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko
That was fast—it’s March already. Enjoy Tuesday’s links with Foursquare’s rudest people and cheesecake with your grandmother.
The Meme Stork: Since the 1996 animated, dancing baby, internet memes have traveled through cyberspace and beyond. But where did they come from? (Discovery News)
It’s Someone’s Birthday: The most famous thing to come out of YouTube turns 17 today. How does the Biebs celebrate? Cheesecake with Grandma, of course.
$1.6 Million Car: How much would you pay for a zero-emissions, all-electric car? If you’ve got some dough saved in the bank, Rolls Royce has got the car for you. (Consumerist)
Moderate Protesters: Riots tend to be pretty angry, right? That’s because this understated approach is yet to be popularized. We smell a hit. (Daily What)
On Brains and Boogers: Do you know who said, “I have a 10,000-year-old brain and the boogers of a 7-year-old; that’s how I describe myself?” Take a wild guess. (LIFE)
World’s Rudest: According to Foursquare, New Yorkers are not the world’s rudest people…or anywhere close. See which city’s residents have the most bite.
Royal Manicure: Want to look like the Princess in Waiting down to your fingertips? Try No More Waity Katie nail polish, designed for the next member of the British royal family. (T Magazine)
Must See: No lunch break is complete without these talking marshmallows.