Thursday’s links include a Disney photo shoot and a booted basketball star.
Sheen’s Life Advice: Students at the George Washington University have launched a Facebook campaign to get America’s favorite winner to speak at their commencement. (Huffington Post)
Big Cat Out: Seven decades after the last siting of an eastern cougar, the U.S. has finally declared the species extinct. However, now scientists are pining that the eastern and western cougars are genetically the same. (NY Times)
Are You The Norm: Think you’re as average as they come? The world’s average citizen is a 28-year-old Chinese man. Fit the bill? (The Next Web)
Not at BYU: Star forward Brandon Davies has been booted from Bringham Young University’s basketball team for sleeping with his girlfriend. Premarital sex is an honor code violation at the Mormon University. (Daily What)
Weedless Holland: Will Amsterdam’s stint as a haven for soft-drug tourism come to an end? New legislation may make its infamous coffee shops for Dutch members only.
Real Live Disney: Iconic photographer Annie Leibovitz shot celebrities in a new campaign for Disney’s theme parks. See the fairytale photos. (LIFE)
Must See: Watch this adorable little ballerina rock first position. Unfortunately, not everyone was born for the ballet. (NY Magazine)