REUTERS/Baz Ratner
Your Friday links include anti-gravity beer and the perils of social media.
Happy What Day?: Attention all employees! The first Friday in March is Employee Appreciation Day. At least America has a holiday for everything. (The Lincoln Tribune)
Good Ole VHS: Back in the days when Blockbuster was hot, they trained their employees at Blockbuster University. How would you do in the course? (Daily What)
Beer in Space: Thank goodness for Aussies, who have solved astronauts last dire need. But we wonder, how did space beer not exist already? (Discovery News)
Scientists in Costume: Watch how far these scientists go to make sure the baby pandas acclimate to the wild. We bet you’ll want to copy their fashion.
Too Much Liking and Poking: Divorce lawyers are reporting that Facebook plays into 20% of divorces. You may just want to keep your spouse off the Internet. (ZD Net)
Gaga Meet Maria: Did you see little “Lady Maria’s” cover of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way?” Gaga brought the 10-year-old Winnipeg native on stage during her tour stop in Toronto. (MTV News)
Under the Sea: Ever wonder what lies at the bottom of the ocean? These odd, scary, creepy crawlers. (LIFE)
Must See: If this doesn’t constitute a healthy rivalry, than we don’t know what does. Makes you want to be part of a half-time pillow fight, doesn’t it? (BuzzFeed)