Lady Gaga Sues Sellers of Breast-Milk Ice Cream for Using Her Name

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Are you offended by a British shop offering breast-milk ice cream called Baby Gaga? Well, Lady Gaga is too. Stars! They’re just like us. 

Lady Gaga is offended because she feels that the shop, called Icecreamists, ripped off her name for its own gain, so she’s not really like us at all. Another difference: she’s reportedly pursuing legal action against the parlor, despite the fact that the ice cream has already been ordered off the shelf due to health restrictions.

The star’s lawyers sent a cease-and-desist letter to the shop, calling the ice cream “deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing.” Which, come to think of it, is likely what some people say about Gaga herself. So maybe it’s a good thing she’s not like us. (via New York Post)

More on See the top 10 ridiculous celebrity lawsuits.