If you don’t have “Friday” by Rebecca Black stuck in your head, consider yourself lucky.NewsFeed can’t stop humming the lyrics to Black’s bizarrely bad song, with lyrics our three-year-old niece could write. Turns out she’s a product of Los Angeles-based Ark Music Factory, which makes its money working with preteen girls who want to be pop stars.
(More on See the top 10 songs with silly lyrics)
It turns out, though, that Black isn’t the only kid whose music video is making the rounds online. Here are three kids who may be next to gain viral fame.
Jenna Rose
Watch your back, Black. Twelve-year-old Jenna Rose was making ridiculous music videos way back in October. Her video for “My Jeans” features cute bopping around and even the requisite rapper — but barely even shows the jeans in question. What gives? (via The Hairpin)
Alana Lee
Bred from the same Ark Music Factory as Rebecca Black, Alanna Lee pulls off a cutesy, Taylor Swift-y vibe for the kiddie set. Out of all these prepackaged singers, it’s Lee’s song we can picture middle schoolers listening to as they doodle their crushes’ initials in their notebooks. (via Urlesque)
Zachary Freiman
Okay, this one really isn’t fair. Thirteen-year-old Zack seems to have starred in this video as a fun way to celebrate his bar mitzvah, not necessarily become the next Justin Bieber. But Freiman’s rapper friend, backup dancers and lyrics like “I’d rather watch an Apple keynote than the Super Bowl” means NewsFeed is hooked. Plus, Freiman can actually sing — we detect AutoTune, but not all that much. (via BuzzFeed)
(More on See the best cartoons of the week)