A better book title for the novel Atonement.
NewsFeed has a confession: This is probably our favorite Tumblr of the Week of all time.
Better Book Titles features recognizable book covers of bestsellers and classics, with a twist: they’ve been updated with a much more descriptive title. The Tumblr is run by Dan Wilbur, who adds new titles every weekday.
“This blog is for people who do not have thousands of hours to read book reviews or blurbs or first sentences,” Wilbur writes on the site. “I will cut through all the cryptic crap, and give you the meat of the story in one condensed image. Now you can read the greatest literary works of all time in mere seconds!”
And it’s true–the new titles offer a blunt and hilarious summation of what that classic is really about. (One note of caution: if you’re easily offended, you might want to pass this over. Sexual references and the F word are consistent features. Consider yourself warned.)
But, whether it’s altering the title of To Kill a Mockingbird (“My Dad is Cooler Than Your Dad”), The Handmaid’s Tale (“Sarah Palin’s America”), The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo (“This Is The First Book I’ve Read in Six Years”) or Jane Eyre (“The Good Ones Are Always Taken”), the new description really is a better and certainly funnier title.
(More on NewsFeed: See more Tumblrs of the Week)