Sergio Zimerman via Getty Images
In this day and age, women and men are considered equals in many parts of the world. But a small town in Argentina is proving that this isn’t always the case.
Vicente Lopez, located near Buenos Aires, is switching up traditional gender roles. The town of 240,000 is telling only women to apply for positions as bus drivers. And men? Well, don’t bother.
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Apparently, the town’s new bus line feels that men are more reckless drivers than women. This is obvious gender stereotyping, but the company believes it’ll make for better service.
“With women driving, the bus line is more family oriented, more friendly,” said Rafaela Nuyl, one of 28 newly hired drivers for the bus service.
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The service makes frequent stops at primary schools, elder day care centers and a maternity hospital, said officials in the town. This underscores the need for drivers to be more careful.
In general, it is relatively rare in Argentina to see any female bus drivers, reports the AFP. While safety may not fully justify blatant sex discrimination, it doesn’t seem to be bothering the town’s residents.
“So far, I have not been on the receiving end of any macho behavior,” Nuyl said. (via AFP)
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