‘Grrl’ For Seven Points, Please: Scrabble Adds More Slang Words to Official Dictionary

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Imagine how quickly you'd clean up on this game if only you could play "thang"

Scrabble traditionalists are going to hate this.

The board game’s Collins Official Scrabble Words book has long been the go-to guide that’s pulled out in the middle of dispute on whether a move is actually a word or not.  And now the brains behind it are introducing 3,000 new words and slang terms to their list of what’s acceptable for play. Newly allowed words include “grrl,” “thang,” “Facebook” and “blingy.”

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Also included are non-English words such as “qin”, which is a Chinese musical instrument and a godsend for anyone who’s stuck with a “Q” once all the “U”s are unavailable. (As one commenter pointed out, the American and Canadian  dictionary is the Official  Scrabble Players Dictionary which hasn’t been updated. So if you’re playing within the U.S./Canada border, you can still abide by the old school rules. Good luck with those “Q”s.)

While many old-school players are bound to hate this (there was an uproar when the game started allowing proper nouns), all we want to know is, when will Words With Friends start abiding by the new rules? (via Globe and Mail)

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