Original blueprints of bin Laden's Abottabad compound
The original architectural plans for bin Laden’s compound have been made public. (via The Independent)
Files from local authorities indicate that Arshad Khan, who allegedly worked for bin Laden, filed plans for the compound during the summer of 2004. The official address of the two-story house, which was thought to be completed in September 2005, was listed as “House No 3, Street No 8-A, Garga Road, Thanda Chowa, Hashmi Colony, Abbottabad.”
PHOTOS: Gawking at bin Laden’s Compound
Modern Associates, the architects for the plans, defended themselves to journalist Andrew Buncombe by saying, “Lots of people come to us. We are more interested in making money rather than the individual.”
PHOTOS: Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan Hideaway
According to The Independent, in addition to providing architectural detail, “the file also shows that the occupants never paid any property tax, and that the completed building breached several guidelines.”