Break out the tissues. You’re about to get teary-eyed.
Judy Pugh of Tuscaloosa, Ala., lost her home and almost all her belongings when a tornado tore through the South on April 27. But there was one thing that went missing that she couldn’t let go of: her long-haired cat, Katie.
After the storm settled and Pugh emerged from underneath the wall that may have saved her life, she found two of her three cats, but Katie, her companion of 10 years, was still missing.
(PHOTOS: Tornadoes ravage the South)
For nearly a month, Pugh returned to her destroyed home every day to search for her furry friend, until, during an interview with CBS 42 in Birmingham, it miraculously appeared, a little tattered and scared, but alive and well.
“I have everything in the world now. I have my three cats,” Pugh said upon scooping up Katie, who purred loudly into the mic.
It’s a moving and miraculous moment among unspeakable loss. Excuse us while we sob in happiness. (via Jezebel)