An alternate title for this Tumblr could have easily been, “People Are Gullible.” (via Techland)
We don’t quite know how people who use the Internet don’t already know about The Onion and the fact that it’s a satirical news site, but this week’s Tumblr proves that such people exist. “Literally Unbelievable” documents “Stories from The Onion as interpreted by Facebook” and it’s just so hilariously great (until you realize how sad it actually is, and then it’s just a bit depressing).
(LIST: See all our Tumblrs of the Week)
This Tumblr displays how people react to the so-obviously-satirical headlines of The Onion, such as “Final Minutes of Last Harry Potter Movie to Be Split Into Seven Separate Films” (oblivious response on Facebook: “Really… I just don’t get it”) and “Government Official Who Makes Perfectly Valid, Well-Reasoned Point Against Israel Forced To Resign” (oblivious response on Facebook: “So much for freedom of speech”).
But by far the most ire-raising story from the jokey, satirical news site is “Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex”. That story caused a surplus of outrage as people posted their fury on Facebook saying, “so incredibly sad! what has this country come to?“, and “I’ll never comprehend GOD’S patience with us ! *REPENT* America !!“, and “Don’t U just Love AMERICA ?!“.
Sigh. After reading it, we’re not so sure how we feel about America but we definitely love this Tumblr.