If you’re a Facebook user of a certain age, your news feed is undoubtedly clogged with ultrasound photos from parents-to-be you haven’t seen for years.
The traditional grainy ultrasound is somewhat acceptable as a profile pic, but incessant updates about every kick and bout with morning sickness can take it too far.
(PHOTOS: Around the World with Facebook)
But for Ellie and Matt Greene of Texas, those were the perfect to post on Facebook—not for their pages, but for their unborn daughter’s. The popular Facebook page of Marriah Greene, their soon-to-be-born child, was created so that the parents could post photos and information about life in the third trimester. In days, Marriah acquired more than 260 friends—and was covered by media outlets including CNN.
Comments for Marriah spoke directly to her (“Can’t wait to see you and hold you.”) and responses were written from the fetus’s point of view (“IKEA is fun, mom is doing the shopping thing again. What is she going to get me now?”). Further, the parents-to-be took the liberty of adding their daughter’s interests for her, which included swimming, Lady Gaga and sucking her thumb. What will be posted next? Her early acceptance to Harvard—by a whopping 17 years? Oh never mind, she already attends Tummy University.
The page, however, is no longer active on Facebook. The Blaze, Glenn Beck’s news and opinion website, reached out to Ellie Greene and asked if the social networking site had deleted the profile. Ellie’s response: “I think so.” Facebook has a strict age policy that requires all users—including the prenatal—are at least 13, which could explain the profile’s mysterious disappearance. (via CNN)
(PHOTOS: A Mark Zuckerberg Family Album)