A woman takes a photo of a model of a life sized dinosaur displayed inside the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum on Monday, June 6, 2011 in Katsuyam, Japan
Today’s links feature two of society’s favorites: cats and social media.
Animal Kingdom: See pictures of cats dressed up as other animals. (BuzzFeed)
Procrastination Station: If these links aren’t enough for you, take a look at the 10 best ways to waste time on the Internet. (Gawker)
Cat in the Box: Watch this video of a kitty coming out of a box. (The Daily What)
GermoFacebook: This social media site tells you which of your friends are sick. (Discovery News)
Champ Cats: See pictures of the fifth annual CFA-IAMS Cat Championships. (TIME)
Glamorpuss: Take a look at the enchanting world of kitty wigs. (LIFE)
Viral Video: Toaster cat! A flying Pop Tart cat stars in this video, a real-life enactment of the Nyan Cat meme. (Best Week Ever)